Thursday, September 18, 2008

In search of a new Dry Cleaner

I have found that finding the perfect dry cleaner is like finding the perfect hair stylist, once you find them you never go anywhere else....So begins my journey. For the last 11 years I have been taking our dry cleaning to the cleaners that is right outside the base, not only was it convenient because it was right on the way to work, but they were always friendly and they knew exactly who I was. I would normally stop there at least twice a week. Well about 2 months ago I am driving to work on a Monday morning and as I approach the base I look to my right as I normally do only to see that my dry cleaner is no longer there, no trace of it, no building, no cars, nothing! I am thinking in my head, mother of god, now where I am I going to take my dry cleaning. Most of my work clothes and jeans and all of Brady's "good" clothes go to the dry cleaner so that is a big thing in our household. As my dry cleaning basket started overflowing I finally had to make a decision and take it somewhere, so I went back to the cleaners that I used back in my single day and the same problems that existed back then still exist today. I drop my cleaning off, no problems, go to pick it up that afternoon and it takes them 20 minutes to find it, as you all know I am not the most patient person in the world, so needless to say they are off the list. On to the next one, since this "big" cleaners had problems finding my stuff I decide to try a more smaller, hole in the wall cleaners, dropped the cleaning off no problems, go to pick up it takes the lady who is about 90 years old about 20 minutes to get everything together that I had dropped off, course I am fuming by the time she gets it all together and then she says that will be $99 and change, as I pick my mouth off the floor, I write the check and get my cleaning and out the door I go, off the list. Today another attempt, I decided to drop it off at one that I used on occasion many years ago, however dropping your cleaning off is like dropping your kids off at school, you think are they really safe here, are they going to come back to me as they were before, same thing with cleaning. I have jeans that I drop off that are upwards of $200 bucks (yes I know I am crazy to spend that much on jeans but that is my weakness), so leaving them in someone elses hands is very disturbing to me and scary!!! So I wait until this afternoon to see how my pick up is going to be. I did notice another branch of the cleaners that up and moved as I drove to work this morning so that will be my next stop if the one I chose today ends off the list! It really shouldn't be this hard!! If anyone has a suggestion I am open to hear it!

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