Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One great jog for me!!!

I have always wanted to be one of those people that could just jog and jog for miles on end. Course after I had my bunions removed my podiatrist told me that it was not in the best interest for my feet to attempt to jog that I should just stick to walking. Well I decided yesterday as I was walking around the track that I was going to attempt to jog the curves and walk the straights. I must say I impressed myself, I jogged the curves on 6 out of my 8 laps! I am hoping to work my way up but at least it is a start! Yippy!

First Day of 2nd Grade

I can not believe that my little boy is already in the 2nd Grade. Gosh how he is growing up, he will be as tall as me before to long!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Black Monday

I had been dreading August 25th for almost 2 months not only because school was starting but because I was having surgery on my crown that broke off. I absolutely hate going to the dentist it ranks right up there with painting! So the day had finally come, Brady left to take Gage to the bus and Renly and I followed shortly after. I started to back out of the driveway and Renly decided that she wanted a new movie for the drive to town so I stopped and got in the back and let her pick out a movie well while I was in the back our little dog must have decided to sit behind my back tire because when I went back to my seat and started backing up I immediately felt a big thump and I knew I had just ran over him. My heart just broke. He ran out yelping and our lab was yelping and it was literally a holy nightmare. Renly just looked at me and said "Did you just squish my dog." I had to sadly tell her "Yes." I try to call Brady and of course modern technology does not allow me to get him so I drive to his parents house and he comes out and I tell him what happened. I am thinking on my way to Renly's school this is great, I not only have to have surgery today but I just ran over our dog. Brady calls and says that he is going to take him to the vet and for me to call as soon as I get out to find out what is going on. 3 hours later I call him only to find out that the damage was just to much, he had a broken leg and pelvis and no telling what kind of internal damage so we had to put him down. As I am making my way back home I just start bawling, keep in mind I am not a crier but I just could not help it and I knew that Gage was going to be very sad when he found out. I dreaded pulling up into our driveway knowing that he wouldn't be there. Once I got there I looked at our lab and he was so sad it made my heart break all over again. I went inside to rest and later came out only to find our lab bleeding from somewhere, Brady told me later that his mouth had been bleeding for the past few days, thinks that he bit his tongue or something. Brady and I picked up Gage off the bus and headed to town to get Renly and Brady told him what had happened to Bebo and he just sat there, said nothing which is very odd for Gage and then he said "When can we get a new dog?" And the next one we get can we name him "Bebo." I kindly told him no that we would not be naming him "Bebo." He was sad for a minute or so but is already wanting a new dog so that is good and Renly she hasn't even asked about him. Needless to say I am glad that Monday is over and Tuesday is here, I am hoping the rest of the week goes much better than yesterday.

Fun Weekend

So Amy and I went to help Laura celebrate her Bachelorette party on Saturday. What a great time we had. Nothing like great friends, great bar and great drinks tends to make for a very large headache the next day but it wasn't to bad. We did however run into Brady's ex which made for a strange interaction between the two of them, Brady didn't even recognize her!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Safe Landing.....

Ok so Gage just called me to tell me that they landed safely and that Sutton was an excellent pilot. I am pretty sure he was told what to tell me!!! Anyway I think he had a great time and thanks Sutton for getting my two boys safely back on the ground....


Brady and I have a friend, Sutton, that has a plane and Brady has been wanting Sutton to take Gage up in the plane. Course as a mother and as a person that is terrified to fly this does NOT sit well. So Brady calls me about 45 minutes ago and says "Hey I just had lunch with Sutton and he needs to go down to Eldorado to put gas in his plane but he has to fly the plane down there." "Do you mind if Gage and I ride with him?" Course I immediately go into panic mode and Brady is greeted with just silence on the phone. After pondering it for a moment I ask Brady "Do you have your life insurance up to date?" Half joking and half serious, course I know its up to date because I pay the premiums but I wanted him to think about that. Brady tells me that Gage really wants to go so I decide to leave the decision up to him. However I did tell him " I don't want to get any phone calls saying that you have crashed." Sutton already knows my thoughts on flying in his plane because he and his wife Johanna have asked us to go with them when they go flying and I just look at them like they have lost their minds. So as I type this I am anxiously awaiting the phone call telling me that they are safely back on the ground.....No offense Sutton I am sure you are a skilled pilot but I don't even trust the American Airlines pilots.

Getting Old

Brady and I went to a pounding party for Laura Howard and Brandon Dieringer on Saturday and boy howdy did it make me feel old. Just to think I used to babysit this girl and now she is getting married. She has turned into a wonderful very strong woman and I wish her all the best in her future.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Are the Olympics over yet....

Uggg, I stayed up to late watching the Olympics last night and Sunday night, I don't think I can handle two more weeks of this. But man it was great to see Michael Phelps win another gold, that guy has done for swimming what Tiger Woods did for golf. Go USA!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fredericksburg Fun

We returned from our weekend in Fredericksburg with Travis and Kim and needless to say it was a much needed get away. We had a wonderful time on Saturday at the horse races, although we didn't come home winners, oh well it was fun for all! We mostly just hung out and chatted and it was nice not to have to worry about chasing kids or getting up early so we were able to stay up late and sleep in! We are so blessed to have two wonderful people like Travis and Kim in our lives. We hope they had a wonderful 10th wedding anniversary and since we went with them for their 10th, they have to go with us next year for our 10th only we are looking at going to Cabo!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Fredericksburg Bound....

So my great friend Kim calls me on Wed night to invite Brady and I to go to Fredericksburg with her and Travis to help them celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Course I thought there is no way that we would go because we had a wedding to attend on Saturday, Brady surprised me yesterday at noon and told me that we could go if I wanted to go. Course this sends me into a panic, if you know me you know that I am a planner and I don't deal well with last minute trips especially when trying to get my kids and myself packed. So of course all afternoon yesterday my stomach is a mess thinking of all the stuff I need to do as soon as I get home. To top things off we hosted my in laws at our house last night for hamburgers so that cut out 3 hours of my packing time! But I got it done and I am set and ready to go and have fun my Kim and Travis.....I will post pictures sometime next week. We have a very busy weekend planned but the best thing of all, I will get to spend time with Brady and that is always a cherished occasion.
Have a great weekend everyone!