Monday, December 22, 2008

Peanut Butter Jelly - RIP October 2008 - December 2008

So we arrived home late on Saturday after a wonderful Christmas with family only to find that our new puppy Peanut Butter Jelly had been run over....The sheer disappointment on Gage's face was enough to break any mom's heart...And poor Renly she really doesn't know what is going on other than Peanut is now in heaven with Bebo, the first puppy we had this year that I accidentally ran over..Our only guess is that one of our hunter's accidentally ran over him...If only they would have moved him off the road so that Gage and Renly wouldn't have seen him...I am sure that is a sight that will forever be embedded in their head as it will mine...So Gage and Brady had the task of digging a hole in the freezing cold yesterday and laying our precious Peanut to rest down by our barn so that we can go and visit him ever now again...We are done with puppies for awhile...My brothers yellow lab is currently pregnant with pure bred yellow labs so I am guessing that he will give the kids one...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cast Off Today, Yippy

Renly gets to say farewell to her bubble gum pink cast today....I can only imagine what is going to fall out of it when they cut it off she only stuffs rocks down it everyday at school....I will post pictures tomorrow of her free arm!

Getting home late....

I normally pull into my drive at 5:00 or 5:30 at the latest so I was already not very happy when it was dark (6:15) yesterday...You see we put our Christmas tree up on Sunday and then we put all the ornaments on it on Monday and I started a new family tradition last year...I take the kids to Hobby Lobby and let them pick out 3 ornaments that they can put on the tree...Well Renly bugged me all night on Monday that she wanted more ornaments so I told her that I would take her to Hobby Lobby after school on Tuesday to pick out her ornaments...Now you must keep in mind she is 3 and she is very well how do I put it, picky...So you can only imagine how long it took her to pick out her ornaments when there was 6 aisles of them...Lord have mercy! But we got them picked out well we ended up with 6 rather than 3 but she was very happy...She even told me she wanted to pick one out for my very dear friend Amy and she took her dear sweet time picking out the perfect ornament for Amy...I can't wait to give it to her because she will know that it was picked by Renly and she can treasure it forever!! This little adventure that was supposed to take oh maybe 30 minutes turned into a 2 hour event, I can only imagine what she is going to be like when she gets older....Lord help me!

Peanut strikes.....

This is the shirt that Ginger got and after talking to her at Thanksgiving I am so glad I ordered it!!!!

So when we went on our ladies trip to San Antonio, I convinced Ginger to purchase this very very cute top from The Buckle, as you all know this is one of my favorite stores to shop in...Had they had my size that day I would have bought the same top but they didn't but ever since then I have been thinking of that darn top...Last week I was doing my normal routine and looking to see what was new on their website and I saw it on there and I just decided I needed it along with a new pair of jeans and two other tops!!! Well I didn't need them I just wanted them! As you all already know my jeans are like my children I just love them and I am very protective of them so imagine my surprise when I drove up to my house yesterday and saw this gray looking thing in the drive and about 4 feet away another darker looking thing. It was already dark when I got home that is another story that I will share later! But as I pull in and notice these two things laying in my drive I have no idea what our new Beagle, Peanut has drug up to the house and as I am about to get out of my car I remember that my order from The Buckle was suppose to be delivered today it was at that point that I realized that gray thing was my order from The Buckle and that darker thing was my very precious jeans!!! Needless to say some very foul language started coming out of my mouth as I am searching for the shirt that I so desperately wanted is no where to be found, the other top that I order was still in the bag but the one like Ginger's gone...That was the whole reason I got on their website that day and ended up ordering the other items so I was not a happy person...As I pull into the carport with my shredded Buckle bag, jeans and other shirt I am cussing at my little dog but how was he to know that it was like chewing up hundred dollar bills! I decide to scour the yard in hopes that just maybe he drug my top out there and sure enough it was laying in the yard, no plastic but not a tear or rip on it...Good Dog!!! The remaining top is being delivered at a later date so I can only imagine what that gray Buckle sack will look at!!! You would think that the UPS driver wouldn't lay something at the door with a little puppy running around oh well everything turned out and that is all that matters if it hadn't we might have had a Beagle for sale!