Monday, September 29, 2008

Lonestar Music Festival

Me, Amy, and Karee having a good time!
Me and My Favorite Lady!
Brady and Will relaxing....
Amy hanging out at the music festival

Saturday was a very busy day for us, Gage had a football game at 11 which they processed to win. They ended up calling the game because Gage's team was so far ahead. 2 games and neither team has been able to score on them!! They have been playing very well. From there we went and at with Brady's parents and then we headed to the Lonestar Music Festival to listened to some good Red Dirt Music on the river. It was alot of fun and I look forward to going again next year.

Only 4 more days till my ladies spa trip....I am so ready for that, looking forward to hanging out with 3 of my favorite people and getting some shopping in and of course some much needed spa treatments!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fall is in the air

I must say I am with Johanna in saying that Fall is such a wonderful season. I went to Sam's yesterday and got me two new beautiful Fall wreaths for my doors, I am sure Brady was thrilled considering they hit him in the head every time he opens the door but anything for beauty right! Then I came across the most wonderful pumpkins that I have seen in along time for a low price, so of course I bought 4 for us to carve and I plan on going back today to get some more for my side door. I just can't get over how big these things are and they were only $6.88 each, much cheaper than buying them from the corner vendors....Now my doors look pretty with their new wreaths and my front porch is even prettier with the 4 pumpkins sitting there! Can't wait to carve them!

Friday, Friday, Friday

I am so glad that it is finally Friday. Been looking forward to this weekend for awhile, the Lonestar Music Fest on the river.....Can't wait to sit outside and listen to good Red Dirt music all day long....Just sit and relax something I am not used to doing! Gage has a football game at 11:00 and then we are off to the festival....And then Sunday will probably be spent recovering from the very large headache I will more than likely have! Then next weekend is the MUCH MUCH anticipated ladies spa weekend, I am sooooo ready for that. Can't wait to spend time with my three favorite peeps...Will be posting pictures of both events of course!
Hope everyone has a great and fulfilling weekend.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some People....Should mind their own business

Why can't people mind their own business? That is one of the world's greatest mysteries and man my life would be so much easier if people would keep their noses out of my life! Ok I am off my soap box now, just needed to vent for a moment! Have a good day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy weekend has come to an end...

Gage played a wonderful game on Saturday and even scored a touchdown, Brady and I didn't realize that he could run that fast! They ended up calling the game because it was 10 to 0 our favor which was good because we had to speed to Rowena to make the wedding...We made it to the wedding in the knick of time right as the bridesmaids were walking in, it was a lovely ceremony...I am so happy that Laura found the happiness that she so deserves just hope that Brandon is ready for her...She is alot like me if that tells you all anything!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The new Dry Cleaner

I went and picked up my dry cleaning this morning and she found it right away so I was very impressed, course I forgot to count my items when I picked it up so I am going to venture to my car to ensure that everything is there. I think I have found my new dry cleaner!!! Finally!

We have a very, very busy weekend, Gage has a football game tomorrow at 1:00 then we will make a mad dash to Rowena to attend the wedding of a young girl I used to babysit, has me feeling old! Then on Sunday we have Brady's grandma's 80th Birthday party at 11:00, I am hoping that I am not to hung over from celebrating Laura's wedding on Saturday!!! Should be a fun but busy weekend.

Hope you all have a pleasant and restful weekend as well.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In search of a new Dry Cleaner

I have found that finding the perfect dry cleaner is like finding the perfect hair stylist, once you find them you never go anywhere else....So begins my journey. For the last 11 years I have been taking our dry cleaning to the cleaners that is right outside the base, not only was it convenient because it was right on the way to work, but they were always friendly and they knew exactly who I was. I would normally stop there at least twice a week. Well about 2 months ago I am driving to work on a Monday morning and as I approach the base I look to my right as I normally do only to see that my dry cleaner is no longer there, no trace of it, no building, no cars, nothing! I am thinking in my head, mother of god, now where I am I going to take my dry cleaning. Most of my work clothes and jeans and all of Brady's "good" clothes go to the dry cleaner so that is a big thing in our household. As my dry cleaning basket started overflowing I finally had to make a decision and take it somewhere, so I went back to the cleaners that I used back in my single day and the same problems that existed back then still exist today. I drop my cleaning off, no problems, go to pick it up that afternoon and it takes them 20 minutes to find it, as you all know I am not the most patient person in the world, so needless to say they are off the list. On to the next one, since this "big" cleaners had problems finding my stuff I decide to try a more smaller, hole in the wall cleaners, dropped the cleaning off no problems, go to pick up it takes the lady who is about 90 years old about 20 minutes to get everything together that I had dropped off, course I am fuming by the time she gets it all together and then she says that will be $99 and change, as I pick my mouth off the floor, I write the check and get my cleaning and out the door I go, off the list. Today another attempt, I decided to drop it off at one that I used on occasion many years ago, however dropping your cleaning off is like dropping your kids off at school, you think are they really safe here, are they going to come back to me as they were before, same thing with cleaning. I have jeans that I drop off that are upwards of $200 bucks (yes I know I am crazy to spend that much on jeans but that is my weakness), so leaving them in someone elses hands is very disturbing to me and scary!!! So I wait until this afternoon to see how my pick up is going to be. I did notice another branch of the cleaners that up and moved as I drove to work this morning so that will be my next stop if the one I chose today ends off the list! It really shouldn't be this hard!! If anyone has a suggestion I am open to hear it!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The verdict is in.....

Saw the orthopedic this morning and after squishing and squeezing my knee and almost bringing me to tears he informs me that I have anserine bursitis, yes anserine bursitis, sounds like a long lost aunt! Anyway, he tells me that he is going to give me a cortisone shot and I am thinking ok no big deal. Well he sticks the first needle in my knee and I feel myself about to pass out, normally I can deal with pain but that was a pain I hope I never have to feel again. Just when I think he is done he walks over and says ok now for the good stuff, course I am thinking what was the last two things you stuck in my supposed to be. He said I should start feeling better by Friday but as of right now my knee is hurting worse than it was before, go figure! He also informs me that I am to not jog/workout for another week at which I proceed to tell him that I am going to get fat if I am not working out and he just chuckled, however I was not laughing I was very serious! I shall attempt to defy doctors orders tomorrow only by walking around the track no running. Can't have myself get any fatter than I already am. Things that are supposed to be jiggling have started jiggling and I really really don't like that. Will keep everyone posted!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gage's 8th Birthday Party

When I asked Gage where he wanted to have his 8th birthday party he told me Mr. Gatti's, course I am thinking, No, No, No not again! When I started Renly in gymnastics I found out that they did birthday parties and they had lots of stuff for the kids to do. So I brought this idea up to Gage and he was all for it so we had his party at Concho Valley Gymnastics and all the kids had tons of fun. Of course the theme was none other than Texas Longhorns so we ended up with tons and tons of burnt orange stuff! Gage's uncle Grant would have a cow if came over right now with all that orange floating around! Gage's Grandma Jo did a wonderful job on the cake and it was delicious as always.

My little boy turned 8

We celebrated Gage's birthday on Wed since Thursday was busy with football. He knew what he was getting because he picked it out online. He is thoroughly enjoying his new Wii and I highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for an interactive type of gaming station. The whole family played golf last night which is just another added benefit, that we can do it as a family!

The start of the 2008 Football Season

We had our first scrimmage on Gage's Birthday! Not sure if they won or not because each team did 10 plays no matter what the outcome and then switched. So long as they had fun is all that matters!

The pain continues...

So I finally got into see an orthopedic tomorrow to find out what is going on with my knee. I actually laid in bed most of yesterday to try to get it better, course by 5:00 I had the urge to vacuum and tidy up the house! I couldn't take it any longer, I am such a busy body that sitting around drives me crazy!!!
I will keep you all posted on what I find out.

Renly's First Fish

My sister in law finally sent me this picture that was taken of Renly and her first fish. She got to go fishing over Labor Day weekend with all her cousins, grandma and her aunt Laurie and of course her daddy. As you can see she was very proud of her catch!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh I must be getting old......

On Sunday I thought it would be a great idea for me to go up to the track and walk/jog while the kids were in CCD later I would be regretting my decision! I have been going up to the track here at work during lunch and walking/jogging so I don't think that is what did it but ever since Sunday afternoon I have been having severe knee pain. I was in meetings all week and couldn't get to the doctor but finally yesterday I couldn't take it anymore. I called my normal physician and of course he couldn't see me till Tuesday and I just couldn't wait that long so I went to one of the walk in clinics. The doctor looks at it presses on it bends it, etc and gives me a script and says if its not better on Monday to go get it xrayed. Needless to say its not any better today so I guess I will be going on Monday to have an xray done, in the meantime I am going to go ahead and call the orthopedic that worked on Brady's shoulder and see if I can't get in to see him and have him look at it. I guess I am just getting old, speaking of old....
Gage turned another year older yesterday! We gave him his Wii on Wed since yesterday was so busy (he had a scrimmage) but that Wii is the coolest thing since slice bread. We only played it for 15 minutes or so but he loved it. Good decision to get it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Renly's first dove hunt!

Renly went on her first dove hunt yesterday. She went with Brady in the morning and he told me that she was picking up and carrying the birds to the pile and that she told him that she wanted to shoot the birds and pull their heads off, ummm yuck! I took her and Gage down to the tank where all the shooting was going on and she refused to have anything to do with anything that flew in the air! Funny how that changed when her mommy was around. She lasted about 20 minutes and she was ready to go which suited me just find, that many men with guns in one little area makes me extremely nervous so I was ready to get out of there. Gage stayed and continued pulling the heads of the doves, he refused to shoot the gun but was digging pulling their head off, yuck!


We got some jelly from one of my coworker for Christmas and Gage and I both loved it so I asked him to ask his wife for the recipe. I got the recipe and I decided that yesterday would be the day that I attempted to make jelly for the first time. Oddly enough it wasn't that hard and the finished product is pretty good, not as good as the original we had but still pretty tasty. Gage tried it on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich last night and told me that it was not as good as the stuff we had but he still liked it! No worries I am not becoming domesticated!!!!