Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting home late....

I normally pull into my drive at 5:00 or 5:30 at the latest so I was already not very happy when it was dark (6:15) yesterday...You see we put our Christmas tree up on Sunday and then we put all the ornaments on it on Monday and I started a new family tradition last year...I take the kids to Hobby Lobby and let them pick out 3 ornaments that they can put on the tree...Well Renly bugged me all night on Monday that she wanted more ornaments so I told her that I would take her to Hobby Lobby after school on Tuesday to pick out her ornaments...Now you must keep in mind she is 3 and she is very well how do I put it, picky...So you can only imagine how long it took her to pick out her ornaments when there was 6 aisles of them...Lord have mercy! But we got them picked out well we ended up with 6 rather than 3 but she was very happy...She even told me she wanted to pick one out for my very dear friend Amy and she took her dear sweet time picking out the perfect ornament for Amy...I can't wait to give it to her because she will know that it was picked by Renly and she can treasure it forever!! This little adventure that was supposed to take oh maybe 30 minutes turned into a 2 hour event, I can only imagine what she is going to be like when she gets older....Lord help me!

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